The thrill of landing your weight exactly where you had aimed, the rush of excitement to hear your name being announced as the champion— these feelings of elation are hard to mimic outside of Table Shuffleboard. But you already know this, and that’s why you’re on a quest to become the greatest Table Shuffleboard player of all time. We understand, and we’re here to help!
Follow these tips and tricks from John McDermott, owner and founder of The Shuffleboard Federation and Table Shuffleboard Hall of Famer, to help improve your Table Shuffleboard game.
Always Wax Your Shuffleboard Table
You wouldn’t go for a run without stretching. Why begin a Table Shuffleboard game without waxing the Shuffleboard Table?
Preparation is the key to a successful game of Table Shuffleboard. Before you get started, make sure the board is waxed properly to help your weight glide smoothly and gain more momentum. For high-quality Shuffleboard powdered waxes, browse The Shuffleboard Federation website or contact us with any questions.
Improve Your Aim
Seeing as aim is one of the most important factors in your Table Shuffleboard success, it’s never too early to start honing this essential skill. The best way to help improve your aim is to, of course, practice. As you become more familiar with your unique way of handling the weights, you’ll get a better grasp of how and where to aim to nail the shot you want. Always remember to concentrate — keep your eye on the prize, as they say — because this really does help to improve the accuracy of your shots.
Learn New Shooting Techniques
Are you used to shooting straight and hoping for the best? No more of that! Practice these new techniques to take your game to the next level.
Understand the Angles
Table Shuffleboard is all about math and physics — in a completely fun way! As you learn more techniques and improve your game even further, you’ll learn that angles, force, and weight distribution play huge roles in determining where the weight will go and how far it will travel. In fact, most professional Table Shuffleboard players are constantly calculating which angles work best to help them score the most points while eliminating the competition. Don’t be afraid to experiment with angled shots, as this will give you a competitive edge over your opponents.
Use the Corners
Here’s a trick that will have your opponents rethink their strategies: use the corners! Crowding the middle of the board with Table Shuffleboard weights is safe, but it can open you up to being knocked off the board by the opponent’s weights. By strategically and carefully maneuvering your weights to different corners of the board, you give yourself a little more protection. If your opponent attempts to knock off your weights, they can only do so one at a time. However, this is more dangerous for them because they might fall off the corner along with you.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Mastering the beautiful sport of Table Shuffleboard is no easy feat. In fact, it’s only achieved through practice and determination. If you’re serious about coming out on top, dedicate some time to practice new techniques and brush up on old ones. The more you improve your game, the better of a player you will become.
John McDermott and the entire Shuffleboard Federation team are always excited and honored to help Table Shuffleboard enthusiasts, such as ourselves, hone their skills to become the next great Table Shuffleboard champion. If you’re interested in learning more tips, please do not hesitate to contact us! This is our passion, now and always.